VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사


Blog: Updated Korea VISA & Immigration Information-2020

27 Sep 2020
26 Sep 2020
25 Sep 2020
24 Sep 2020
22 Sep 2020
21 Sep 2020

Note for C-3 visa Extension for Departure 


In the case of special circumstances such as a situation where a foreigner holding a short-term stay (c-3 visa, etc.) visa cannot go to their home country due to COVID-19, the departure period may be extended through the Internet.

The document that must be submitted when extending the period for departure is an explanatory statement, and you need to make a reservation for a flight ticket to support the explanatory statement.

By the way, there seem to be foreigners who forge or modify the flight ticket and submit it.

If you submit forged or modified tickets, you may be penalized, so please kindly noted that.

Even foreigners holding a long-term visa whose period of stay is nearing expiration, please note that in case of extension due to the above unavoidable reasons, all documents submitted must be truthful.

단기체류 (c-3 visa 등) 비자를 소지하고 있는 외국인이 코로나-19로 인해 자국으로 갈 수 없는 상황 등 특별한 상황이 발행한 경우, 출국기간 연장을 하고 있습니다.

출국을 위한 기간연장시에 반드시 제출해야 하는 서류가 사유서이며, 그 사유서를 뒷받침할 수 있는 항공권 예약 등이 필요합니다.

그런데, 해당 항공권등을 위조하거나 수정하여 제출하는 외국인이 있는 것 같습니다.

위조하거나 수정된 항공권등을 제출하는 경우, 불이익을 받을 수 있으니, 이점 참조바랍니다.

체류기간의 만료가 임박한 장기체류비자를 소지하고 있는 외국인도, 상기와 같은 부득이한 사유로 연장을 하는 경우, 제출되는 모든 서류는 진실되어야 함을 알려 드립니다.
19 Sep 2020
19 Sep 2020

I am an E-7 VISA Holder. How to invite my Spouse with an F-3 VISA from my home country? 

I am an E-7 VISA Holder. How to invite my Spouse with an F-3 VISA from my home country? See Youtube Channel at


#expats #foreigner #invitation #spouse_invitation #e7visa #f3visa #visainkorea #장행닷컴
F-3 visa invitation with E-7 visa

F-3 visa invitation with E-7 visa

19 Sep 2020
18 Sep 2020

Can I do a part time job if I have D10-1 visa?

Can D10-1 visa holders do a part time job?

Can D10-1 visa holders do a part time job?

I am a D-2 visa holder, international student. I am here in Korea around 5 years now and I want to change my D-2 visa to D10-1 visa soon. Anyway, can I do a part time job if I have D10-1 visa? Youtube Channel at


#expats #foreigner #international_student #d2visa #d2비자 #d10visa #d10비자 #job_search_visa #job_seeking_visa #visainkorea #장행닷컴 #parttimejob
18 Sep 2020

Quarantine for Chuseok Holiday

[Quarantine for Chuseok Holiday by Hi Korea]

We strongly recommend avoiding travels and socializing during Chuseok holiday.

Enjoy this year’s Chuseok holiday in your happy home for the sake of our well-being.

We wish you a happy Chuseok holiday. As we are nearing this year’s holiday in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have initiated a nationwide campaign to safeguard Korea from the spread of COVID-19. In line with this campaign, we strongly encourage you to practice the following recommendations.

This campaign is effective from 21 September to 4 October 2020.

■ Do minimise inter-city or inter-provincial travels;
■ Do minimise participating in events hosted by your expat community or religious worships;
■ Do minimise visiting enclosed crowded places (e.g. clubs, pubs);
■ Make the best use of social networking services or video calls to contact your loved ones;
■ Do wear a mask at all times outside your premises.

Your engagement is key to guarantee a safe Korea from COVID-19!

[추석 연휴기간 이동 및 단체모임 자제 요청 (하이코리아)]
나와 우리의 건강을 위해 “ 이번 추석은 집에서 쉬기”

❍ 건강과 행복이 가득한 추석이 되길 기원합니다. 
❍ 추석을 맞이하여「코로나19로 부터 안전한 대한민국을 만들기」 캠페인에 아래와 같이 국내 체류외국인 여러분의 적극적인 참여를 당부합니다.
- 아 래 -

1. 기 간 : ‘20.9.21.(월)∼10.4.(일) 

2. 주요 내용  
-국가별 행사, 종교 모임 및 지역간 이동 자제
-클럽, 주점 등 다중 밀집시설 방문 자제
-가족, 지인에게 화상통화나 SNS로 소식 전하기
-마스크 착용 등 방역 수칙 준수

※ 코로나19 극복을 위해 외국인 여러분의 동참이 꼭 필요합니다.
17 Sep 2020
17 Sep 2020

Temporary Seasonal Worker Program for E-9 Foreign Workers with Expiring Work Permit

**Temporary Seasonal Worker Program for E-9 Foreign Workers with Expiring Work Permit**

The Government of the Republic of Korea has implemented the following measure to allow foreigners with Non-Professional Employment (E-9) status, who are facing difficulty in departing from the ROK due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to engage in seasonal work (C-4) while staying in the country on Miscellaneous (G-1) status. 

1. Eligible applicants for Seasonal Work

◦ Eligible applicants are foreigners who, with failure to depart from the ROK after being granted the collective 50-day Extension of Stay, have either extended their stay for departure or applied for Postponement of the Termination of Departure, among those with Non-Professional Employment (E-9) status whose Period of Stay has expired, or is due to expire, between April 14, 2020 and September 30, 2020 after completion of work for 3 years or 4 years 10 months. 

2. Work Period and Type: Eligible applicants start working between August 24, 2020 and October 31, 2020 in a farming or fishing village, and may choose to work for 30-day, 60-day, or 90-day period. 

3. Work Conditions: Payment of Minimum wages or higher and coverage of industrial accident compensation insurance for workers 

※ If necessary, farming/fishing households may offer meals and accommodation.

 (Yet, some costs to be charged to foreign workers)

4. Application Period: From August 24 (Mon.), 2020 until September 30 (Weds.), 2020

5. Granted Status and Period of Stay

◦ Status of Stay: Miscellaneous (G-1) status is granted with Permission to engage in Activity other than that permitted by the Status of Stay previously granted (Seasonal Work, C-4). 

◦ Period of Stay: Period of Stay is permitted until 30 days after termination of Seasonal work contract from the date of permission. 

◦ Fees: Exempted (Yet, a 30,000 KRW fee is required to issue Alien Registration Card)  

6. Incentives for Seasonal Workers 

① Seasonal workers are given additional 10 points in (Special) Test of Proficiency in Korean and are arranged first for employment upon re-entry into the ROK

② Additional points are given for Change of Status to Skilled Worker (E-7-4)* (1 point for 1 month of seasonal work, 2 points for 2 month of work and 3 points for 3 month of work)

 ※ All foreign workers who do not engage in seasonal work, but work illegally in other areas shall be banned from re-entering the Republic of Korea on Non-Professional Employment (E-9) Status.

7. Place of Seasonal Work and Required Workers: 805 workers in 31 local governments

(1) Agriculture:
【Gangwon-do】 Chuncheon(20),Taebaek(8),Hongcheon(28),Yeongwol(24),Hwacheon(16),Inje(28) Yanggu(81)//【Gyeongsangbuk-do】Sangju(51), Bonghwa(13),Uljin(5)//【Jeju-do】Jeju(17) 【Jeollanam-do】Goheung(25),Naju(4)//【Jeollabuk-do】 Iksan(3),Muju(6),Gochang(4),Jeongeup(12) 

(2) Fisheries:
16 Sep 2020
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