F-2 VISA_Resident VISA (F2 비자_거주비자)
F-2 VISA (F2 비자)
F-2 VISA_Resident VISA
1. Range of Activities:
You want to stay in Korea for a long period of time in order to receive the Permanent Resident status.
2. Eligible Applicants:
A. (F2-3 visa) You are a foreign-born child of Korean national, or you are a spouse or a child of someone who has F-5 Resident status;
B. (F2-2 visa) You are a child born between a Korean parent and a foreign national (including the de facto marriage) and recognized by the Minister of Justice;
C. (F2-4 visa) You have been granted 'refugee' status;
D. (F2-5 visa) You are an investor by the definition of Foreign Investment Promotion Act, and meet any of the conditions below:
1) You are a foreigner who has invested at least US$500,000 while you have stayed in Korea on a D-8 Corporate Investment visa for 3 years or more.
2) You are an executive of a foreign company which has invested at least US$500,000 in accordance with the「Foreign Investment Promotion Act」and you have stayed in Korea for 3 years or more.
3) You are a foreigner who has invested at least US$300,000 or more and hired at least 2 people.
E. (F2-9 visa) You have lost your F-5 Permanent Resident status, but considering your living circumstances in Korea related to human rights, the Minister of Justice has recognized your need to continue to stay in Korea (those who are deported are not eligible in this category);
F. (F2-99 visa) You have stayed and settled down in Korea on a visa outside of A-1 to A-3 for at least 7 years in which the Minister of Justice recognizes. However, for those who have E-1 professorship to E-5 Professional employment or E-7 Special Occupation status, the minimum period of stay shall be 5 years.
G. (F2-6 visa→F2-99 visa) You are engaged in employment on an E-9 Non-professional employment, E-10 Vessel Crew or H-2 Working Visit visa, and you have been engaged in employment for at least 4 years within the past 10 years on a visa designated by the Minister of Justice while meeting all conditions listed below:
1) You have licenses for a particular set of skills or capacities recognized by the Minister of Justice or you are getting compensation in exchange of your services (Types of skills licenses and wage standards are announced by the Minister of Justice after internal discussions/consultations with a relevant department head).
2) You have assets worth above a particular amount designated by the Minister of Justice 3) You are considered an adult under the Korean Civil Law and have basic qualities and understandings in Korean culture in Korea.
H. (F2-11 visa) You are hired as a civil servant in accordance with the 'National Civil Servant Act' or 'Local Civil Servant Act' and accredited by the Minister of Justice;
I. (F2-7 visa) You meet all criteria such as age, education, income, which are designated by the Minister of Justice;
Detailed new Guide line in F2-7 visa_Click
J. (F2-12 visa) You have invested in assets such as real estates in designated investment region, products, and amounts announced by the Minister of Justice;
K. (F2-17 visa & F2-81 visa) You are a child or a spouse of a person eligible for I and J.
3. Maximum Length of Stay:
5 years.
Contact us
A revised F2-7 visa policy will be implemented from December 1, 2010.
Also, if you hold F2-7 visa, you need to check your points again. However, there is a transitional regulation.
**Transitional Regulation**
If you are legally staying with your F2-7 visa, you can apply for extension of the period of stay by meeting the requirements of the pre-revised notice criteria (current criteria) for 1 (one) year from the effective date.
우수인재 거주비자 (F2-7 비자) 조건이 2020년 12월 1일부터 시행됩니다.
이번 우수인재 거주비자는 소득에 중점을 두고 있는 것 같습니다.
다만, 이번에 개정된 F2-7 비자는 금년 12월 1일 이전에 접수된 경우에는 기존 지침점수대로 반영을 하게 됩니다.
연장하는 경우에는 이미 F2-7비자를 소지하고 있는 외국인은 1년 간의 경과규정이 적용되어, 내년 11월 30일까지는 기존 규정이 적용됩니다.
(*다만, 연장시에도 80점은 반드시 넘어야 합니다.)