VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사




VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사  

VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 runs the Facebook page, VISA in KOREA since 2016, and it quick to inform immigration policies for foreigners living in Korea as a Licensed Immigration Specialist.  

Requirements and preparations for each visa qualification are essential, and it is most important to consult with experts in immigration matters.  

To better understand, kindly review KOREA VISA SYSTEM which VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 deals with.


KOREA VISA SYSTEM can be largely divided into 1) visa duration, 2) visa for foreigners to work in Korea, 3) visa for foreigners to do business in Korea, 4) other spouses and study visas.  

There are a total of 37 categories in the group of visa.  

1) Period of stay on visa:

The duration of visa stay is divided into short-term visas and long-term visas, the former can stay in Korea within 90 days, the latter can stay in Korea for more than 91 days and must be registered as a foreigner.  

Not all short-term visas (except for C-4 visa), but generally, short-term visas are not allowed to work in Korea.  

Neither all long-term visas can work nor do business in Korea, but after registering foreigners, some qualified foreigners can either get a job with a work visa or do business with an investment visa.  

2) Visa for foreigners to get a job in Korea:  

Except for short-term visa, C-4 visa, the E-visa family allows foreigners to work in Korea.

E-visa=Employment VISA 

In general, there are a total of 16 visa categories that can be employed in Korea:  

Specifically, such as Professor visa (E-1 visa), Foreign language instructor visa (E-2 visa), Researcher visa (E-3 visa), Technical instructor/Technician (E-4 visa), Professional visa (E-5 visa), Artist & Athlete (E-6 visa), Foreign national of special ability visa (E-7 visa), Seasonal worker visa (E-8 visa), Non-professional visa (E-9 visa), Maritime crew (E-10 visa), Resident visa (F-2 visa), Overseas Korean visa (F-4 visa), Permanent Resident visa (F-5 visa), Marriage migrant visa (F-6 visa), Working holiday visa (H-1 visa), Work and visit for overseas Korean (H-2 visa).

Among them, visa holders with no restrictions on employment and business are F-2 visas, F-4 visas, F-5 visas and F-6 visas. 

3) Visa to do business in Korea:

In principle, foreigners must receive an investment visa if they want to do business in Korea.

Investment visas are represented by D-8 visa and D-9 visa, while D-8 visa can be regarded as for a corporate establishment and D-9 visa as for a personal business.

D-8 visa (business investment visas) must be invested at least KRW 100 million won, and D-9 visa (trade management visas) requires at least KRW 300 million won.  

4) Other spouses, study visas., etc.:

A dependent family visa to invite spouses or minor children of D-groups and E-visa groups is F-3 visa, while spouses or minor children of F-2 visas can live in Korea on F-1 visa.

As described above, a foreign spouse with a spouse visa (F-3 visa) is not allowed to get a job or do business in Korea.  

However, if a person has obtained permission for activities other than the status of stay, he/she may be employed or engaged in business within the scope of his/her permission for activities without changing his/her current status of stay.  

In addition, D-2 visa is a visa issued to foreign students who have college degrees, bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and Ph.D. programs in Korea.

After graduation, they will be eligible to change their visas to D-10 visa (job seeking visa), E-7 visas and F2-7 visas (points based resident visa).  

Except for the above visas, there are a lot of visas existing and we will explain through posting for better understanding.



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Notification of cancellation of the pre-evaluation (Pre-Test) of the first KIIP in 2021

Notification of cancellation of the pre-evaluation (Pre-Test) of the first KIIP in 2021

As the spread of COVID 19 continues, the preliminary evaluation of the 1st KIIP in 2021, scheduled for this week, has canceled as the level 2.5 for social distancing in the metropolitan area and the level 2 for non-metropolitan areas are extended until January 17 (Sun). 

We inform you that we have decided to do so.

-Decision: Cancellation of the 1st pre-evaluation (Jan. 9, 2021) in 2021 and automatic submission for the 2nd pre-test date. 

  * Those who have been submitted for the first pre-evaluation will be automatically accepted by postponing to the second pre-evaluation date in 2021, which takes effect on February 20 (Sat), 2021.

  For information on refunds, refer to the announcement on the'Social Integration Program Evaluation' website at

2021년 제1차 사회통합프로그램 사전평가 시행 취소 알림

코로나19 확산세가 지속됨에 따라 오늘부터 수도권 사회적 거리두기 2.5단계와 비수도권의 2단계 조치가 1. 17.(일)까지 연장됨에 따라, 이번 주 예정인 2021년 제1차 사회통합프로그램 사전평가를 취소하기로 결정하였음을 알려드립니다.  

- 결정 사항 : ‘21. 1. 9.(토) 2021년 제1차 사전평가 취소 및 자동 접수 조치  

* 제1차 사전평가에 접수된 사람은 ’21. 2. 20.(토) 시행되는 2021년 제2차 사전평가일로 연기하여 자동 접수되도록 하며, 환불에 대한 안내는 ‘사회통합프로그램 평가’ 홈페이지( 공지사항 참조하세요.

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Announcement on Exceptions regarding Online Reservation for Visit 방문예약제도 예외 사항

Announcement on Exceptions regarding Online Reservation for Visit

In accordance with Article 34(2) of Enforcement Decree of the Immigration Act, Online Reservation for Visit is mandatory to file for Permission to engage in activities not covered by original status of stay, Change/Addition of Workplace (Report), Grant of Status of Stay, Change of Status, Extension of Stay and Foreign Resident Registration.
Yet, persons with difficulties in reserving a visit online, including pregnant women, the disabled and others are permitted, as an exception, to make an in-person visit to immigration offices without a visit reservation for such work.
With this, persons falling under the following cases are able to have their civil petitions processed at a jurisdictional immigration office by additionally presenting a relevant proof document.

온라인 방문예약 예외 대상자 알림

출입국관리법 시행령 제34조의2에 따라 체류자격 외 활동허가 신청, 근무처의 변경·추가 허가 신청(신고 포함), 체류자격 부여 신청, 체류자격 변경허가 신청, 체류기간 연장허가 신청, 외국인등록 신청 업무를 하기 위해서는 반드시 온라인 방문예약을 하여야 합니다.
다만, 임산부, 장애인 등 온라인 방문 예약이 어려우신 분들은 예외적으로 방문예약하지 않고 방문하셔도 처리가 가능함을 알려드립니다.
붙임의 자료를 참고하시어 방문예약 예외대상에 해당하시는 분들은 확인이 가능한 서류를 추가로 지참하여 관할 출입국외국인관서 방문 후 업무를 신청하시기 바랍니다.

Mandatory PCR Negative Certificate Submission for All Persons Entering Republic of Korea from Overseas PCR 음성확인서 제출의무

Mandatory PCR Negative Certificate Submission for All Persons Entering Republic of Korea from Overseas

From Jan. 8, 2021 (Friday), all foreigners (including Re-entry permitted foreigners) shall submit a PCR Negative Certificate issued within 72 hours before departure from overseas.

2021년 1월 8일 (금)부터 해외에서 대한민국으로 입국하는 모든 외국인 (재입국허가를 받은 외국인 포함)은 해외에서 한국으로 출발 전 72시간 이내 발급된 PCR 음성확인서를 제출해야 합니다.
VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 ⓒ All Rights Reserved 2020
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