VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사


Blog: F-2 VISA Resident VISA Korea (F2 비자 거주비자: F2-7 VISA & F2-99 VISA)

23 May 2022

[한국어 출입국 강의] F-2-99 비자 배우자 거주자격 취득 후 체류자격외활동허가

[한국어 출입국 강의] F-2-99 비자 배우자 거주자격 취득 후 체류자격외활동허가

출입국관리법 시행령 제23조 제2항에는 제1호부터 제3호에 해당하는 체류자격을 가지고 있는 외국인은 장기체류 자격 구분에 따른 취업활동의 제한을 받지 않고 있습니다.

그래서 동법 시행령 제23조 제2항 제2호에 해당하고 거주(F-2) '바'목에 해당 하는 기타 장기거주비자인 F-2-99 비자를 소지하고 있으면 단순노무업종과 전문분야에 취업활동을 할 수 있게 됩니다.

다만 기존의 체류자격이 영리(D-8, D-9) 또는 취업(E-1~E-7 등) 활동에 해당하는 분야에서 영리 또는 취업을 계속하고 있는 경우에는 별도의 허가 없이 취업 활동을 할 수 있습니다.

그런데 주체류자인 F-2-99 비자의 배우자가 F-1 비자를 소지하고 있는 경우에는 F-1 비자 자체로 취업활동을 할 수 없기 때문에 F-1 배우자가 F-2-99 비자로 체류자격을 변경하더라도 취업활동을 하기 위해서는 별도의 허가가 필요하게 됩니다.

그 허가가 '체류자격 외 활동허가'입니다.

자세한 사항은 동영상을 참조하세요.

이번 강의는 조금 난이도가 있습니다.



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19 May 2022

F-2-99 visa Spouse Invitation by C-3-1 visa or F-1 visa from your home country F-2-99 비자 배우자 초청

F-2-99 visa Spouse Invitation by C-3-1 visa or F-1 visa from your home country

There are several ways to invite a spouse abroad.

In general, you can invite your spouse and minor children at Korean embassy in you home country or inviting through a short term visit visa for the purpose of change of status of stay after entering Korea. 

This is general processing as you know, but is it applicable if you have F-2-99 visa? Which visa types shall you apply for inviting your spouse and minor children?

As you felt, when you who have obtained an F-2-99 visa tries to invite your spouse and minor children, it is getting complicated and unexpectedly.

So I made this lecture to understand better regarding inviting your spouse and minor children under the new rules.

My video lectures are conducted without advertisements, and if you want to express your gratitude, you can support us through Special Thanks.

Thank you.



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18 May 2022

Current trend of Period Stay for F-2-7 visa F-2-7 비자 점수제 거주비자 

Current trend of Period Stay for F-2-7 visa

Nowadays Immigration follows the period given based on my last posting. See as below. 

My clients, visa change and extension, currently received 5 years. 

See the detailed period given for F-2-7 visa. 



#expats #foreigner #f2visa #f2-7visa #visainkorea #장행닷컴

18 May 2022
3 Mar 2022

[한국어 출입국 강의] 새로운 지침 변경 F-2-99 비자 기타 장기비자

[한국어 출입국 강의] 새로운 지침 변경 F-2-99 비자 기타 장기비자

VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 페이스북에 간단하게 설명드린 바와 같이 지난 1월에 기타 장기거주비자인 F-2-99비자에 대한 변경, 연장 지침이 변경되었습니다.

본 강의는 최근 변경된 F-2-99 비자의;

1. 기간
2. 소득
3. 자산
4. 한국어 요건 등을 설명하고 있습니다.


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26 Jan 2022

Additional Guideline for F-2-7 VISA, points based outstanding talents F-2-7 비자 점수제 우수인재 거주비자

Additional Guideline for F-2-7 VISA, points based outstanding talents

1. According to Hi Korea's F-2-7 visa guidelines recently announced on January 21, 2022, among foreigners who have a combined score of 80 or higher on the score sheet, either the combined score or the annual income score is applied to the applicant for the duration of stay are given equally. The detailed score or grant period according to income is as attached.

2. (Given a grace period) 
When an F-2-7 visa holder extends, the grace period is extended by one year, even if the score is less than 80 in case where the currently employed F-2-7 visa holder is receiving wages above the minimum wage(based on 2022 hourly income rule, 9,160*209*12=22,973,280 won).

3. (Restriction on extension based on annual income) 
Regardless of whether the F-2-7 visa holder has a combined score of 80 or higher, when applying for extension of period of stay, if he/she is unemployed or if he/she submits income below the minimum wage(based on 2022 hourly income rule, 9,160*209*12=22,973,280 won), extension of period of stay is not permitted and job search (D-10, Up to 1 year). In this case, the change of visa is permitted (spouse and minor children are granted the dependent (F-3) visa) by job search (D-10, up to 1 year, extended 6 months).
※However, in the following cases(exceptions), even if there is no income, an extension of the period of stay is permitted for the relevant period after the change of visa. In this case, if income is generated, it is extended according to the common standard.

- Exceptions: ①Outstanding talents from participating countries: 3 years, ②Potentially excellent talents (F-2-7S): 5 years, ③Those who are expected to work in the listed corporations or a promising industry or outstanding international students those who have submitted an employment contract: 1 year, ④ If the income requirements are not met due to pregnancy, maternity or parental leave, the grace period is extended by one year from the expiration date of stay, ⑤ If extension of the period of stay for the principal visa holder (F-2-7, F-2-7S) is not allowed, extension of the period of stay of the spouse and minor child (F-2-71 or F-1-12) is not allowed at the same time.

4. Matters related to not being permitted to extend the period of stay

1) If extension of the period of stay of the principal via holder (F-2-7) is not permitted, the extension of the period of stay of the spouse and minor children (F-2-71 or F-1-12) is also not permitted.
2) If a person whose extension is not permitted but meets the requirements for other status of stay(visa), he/she can apply for a change to the status of stay(visa).
3) A principal visa holder who meets the following requirements can change to a job-seeking (D-10) sojourn status:
- Total visa status of stay for the job-seeking(D-10) visa is within one year;
- In this case, the spouse and minor children may be permitted to change their status of stay to F-3 visa;
- The maximum period of expiry of stay of dependent (F-3) visa shall be within the period of stay of the main resident, job-seeking (D-10).

*** This Information has been translated and interpreted by 장행닷컴행정사 VISA in KOREA. So, if you use the information, please indicate the source as 장행닷컴행정사 VISA in KOREA or forwarding our Facebook Page Link. Appreciated. 
*** 해당 자료는 장행닷컴행정사 VISA in KOREA에서 소중한 시간을 들여 번역하고 해석한 것으로 해당 정보를 활용하는 경우, 반드시 출처 표시 또는 해당 포스팅 자체를 공유를 통해 배포 해주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다. 


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25 Jan 2022

Revised Guideline for F-2-99 visa기타 장기체류 비자 F-2-99 비자 지침 변경 안내

Revised Guideline for F-2-99 visa
기타 장기체류 비자 F-2-99 비자 지침 변경 안내

There are a few changes to prove Savings proof and the period of stay of a spouse of F-2-99 visa holder. 

F-2-99비자로 변경 시 필요한 요건 중 생계 유지 능력을 입증하기 위한 예금 소지 기간 등과 F-2-99비자 소지자 등의 배우자가 F-2-99 비자로 체류자격 변경을 신청하기 위해 기존 F-2-99 비자를 소지하고 있는 배우자와 국내 거주 기간을 명시하였습니다.

Kindly see revised guideline as below. 

For other guidelines, kindly visit to Youtube Channel of VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 at

그 외 F-2-99 비자 변경에 대한 요건은 상기 유튜브 채널에서 확인해 보세요.

1. Savings Proof: 30 million won for over 6 months (Previously, there is no specific guideline for the period of holding assets);

3천만 원 이상의 자산을 6개월 이상 보유할 것;
이전 지침에는 자산 보유 기간에 대한 자세한 지침이 없었음.

2. When a spouse (F-3 or F-1 visa) of F-2-99 visa holder changes to F-2-99 visa, the spouse (F-3 or F-1 visa) shall stay with his/her spouse(F-2-99 visa holder) for more than 1 year with the same residential place(Previously, there is no guideline for period of staying term with his/her spouse(F-2-99 visa).

F-2-99비자 소지자의 배우자가 국내에 해당 F-2-99 비자 소지 배우자와 같은 주거지에서 1년 이상 거주하고 있을 것;

혼인한 상태에서 국내의 거주지가 F-2-99 비자 소지자와 다른 곳에 생활하거나 한국에 입국한 지 1년이 안 된 F-2-99 비자 소지자의 배우자에게 1년 이상 거주 요건을 명확하게 함.


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20 Jan 2022

Notice for F-2-7 VISA Application Must Know Your Current Status 

Notice for F-2-7 VISA Application Must Know Your Current Status

I would like to explain the most important criteria to be considered when you apply for F-2-7 visa.

First, Contract
Second, Docs from overseas
Third, Income

Also, you must understand that when you apply for F-2-7 visa, you must consider your current visa shall be met the extension criteria.


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15 Jan 2022

한국어 출입국 강의 지침 변경 사항 강의 F-2-7비자 우수인재 점수제 비자 2021년 12월

한국어 출입국 강의 지침 변경 사항 강의 F-2-7비자 우수인재 점수제 비자 2021년 12월

작년 12월에 변경된 F-2-7 비자 지침 내용 중 1) 신청 제외 대상자, 2) 가점 항목 중 해외 우수 대학 확인 사항의 변경, 3) 소득에 대한 부분에 대한 상세한 설명을 하였습니다.

이전 F-2-7비자 강의는


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12 Jan 2022

F-2-7 VISA Updated Version 점수제 우수인재 (F-2-7 비자) 체류자격 변경 새로운 지침

F-2-7 VISA Updated Version 점수제 우수인재 (F-2-7 비자) 체류자격 변경 새로운 지침

Some of eligible applicants are added on a new F-2-7 VISA guideline. But it has not been released in public and only 1345 Immigration Contact Center holds it. Due to one of client’s comments, I found this new detailed and added criteria from 1345 today. Kindly review updated version of F-2-7 VISA. Point system is the same as Dec. 1, 2020 guideline but as I told you earlier, some of eligible applicants and detailed information has been added. See more details as below. Also, all applicants shall be obtained 80 points or higher except for Promising Outstanding Talented persons (Eligible person Part 5).

1. KOSPI or KODAQ listed Company Professionals:
It is the same as previous guideline such as i) making an employment contract with KOSPI or KODAQ listed company, ii) 80 points.

2. Promising Industrial Fields Professionals:
It is a newly added guideline. Promising industrial professionals refer to workers in industries such as IT, technology management, nano, digital electronics, biotechnology, transportation and machinery, new materials, environment and energy under Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Notice No. 2020, March 31, 2020 or those who have been confirmed to be employed at the above fields. Their yearly income shall be over GNI*1.5 or their yearly employment contact amount shall be GNI*1.5 or higher. Also, they need 80 points or higher.

3. Professional Occupation Fields Professionals:
Registered foreign nationals who are holding E-1 visa to E-7-1 visa or D-5 visa to D-9 visa. However, E-6-2, E-7-2, E-7-3, E-7-4 visa holders are NOT eligible. They need i) 80 points, ii) 3 years or more working continuously at that professional fields. However, if their yearly income is over 40 million won, there is no need to wait for 3 years. This new guideline has indicated non-eligible visa code such as E-6-2, E-7-2, E-7-3, E-7-4 in detail.

4-1. (Revised) International Talented persons:
If you have obtained master’s degree or higher within 5 years from the date of acquisition of academic degrees in Korea, you have been confirmed to being hired for or are working at the field of E-1 visa to E-7-1 visa or D-5 visa to D-9 visa. If you have domestic master’s degree or higher, you may apply for it even you haven’t had D-2 visa before. This new guideline has indicated non-eligible visa code such as E-6-2, E-7-2, E-7-3, E-7-4 in detail.

4-2. Outstanding Talents from Korean War Participated Countries:
Even if you are not confirmed to being hired, if your point is 80 or higher, you may apply for F-2-7 visa with a special point such as nationals of Korean war participated countries (20 points) and government recommendation (20 points). When you extend, a government recommendation point will not be granted so you need to meet 80 points or higher.

5. (Newly Added) Potential Outstanding Talented Person:
Eligible applicants who have obtained master’s or/and doctorate degree from science and engineering specialized universities and research institutes. If they are not confirmed to being hired, if they get a recommendation letter from the university or research institute’s president, it is possible to apply for F-2-7 visa even though they have less than 80 points. However, they must meet the 80 points or higher after 5 years from the date of permission to change their F-2-7 visa.

**Also, when you apply for F-2-7 visa, you MUST prepare for your home country’s criminal records with Apostille or Korean consular legalization within 3 months for the date of issuance of Apostille or Korean consular legalization. I have complained about this period a minute ago. Because some of countries’ Apostille processing period and arriving in Korea needs more than 3 months. So, I have requested about how about limiting within 6 months if the applicant stays in Korea continuously without leaving Korea after applying for Apostilled criminal records., etc.

** (Additional Point Section) Outstanding Universities rule changed: Times Higher Education selected Top 200 universities (previously 500 universities), or QS selected Top 500 universities. 

** (Deducted Point Section) Item of the invited person’s criminal facts in Korea has been deleted. 

** See more details as attached (Korean Language).


#expats #foreigner #f2visa #f27visa #f2비자 #점수제우수인재비자 #visainkorea #장행닷컴
27 Dec 2021

F-2-7 visa lecture with Mr Jang_Points based residency visa

It was great to have a lecture with Mr.Jang.

Those couldn't listen can watch from here:

p.s: thank you Mr.Jang for great lecture
23 Dec 2021

F2-7 VISA Spouse Invitation F-2-7 비자 배우자 초청 F-1-12 비자 VISA in KOREA

F2-7 VISA Spouse Invitation F-2-7 비자 배우자 초청 F-1-12 비자 VISA in KOREA

Invitation requirements for F-2-7 visa holder's Spouse staying in Home Country.

How to invite? or Are there any requirements?

Mr Jang explains current issues on F-2-7 visa and their Spouse invitations.

See more details. Also you may visit to Youtube Channel of VISA in KOREA at

25 May 2021

Why I cannot apply for F-2-7 VISA Directly from D-10-1 VISA?

Why I cannot apply for F-2-7 VISA Directly from D-10-1 VISA?

F-2-7 VISA systems makes us confusing a lot.
But one clear thing is you MUST check your current status of stay and previous visa types.

If someone held a master degree (D-2-3 VISA) and changed to D-10-1 VISA then converted D-10-1 VISA to E-7-1 VISA.

And then he/she quit his/her job and changed to D-10-1 VISA.

In this case, is he/she eligible for applying for F-2-7 VISA directly?

First of all, you MUST know that F-2-7 VISA requirements contain the requirements of E-7-1 VISA. So, if you are eligible for F-2-7 VISA, you shall check whether your company and your qualifications are met E-7-1 VISA Criteria, such as yearly income, number of Korean etc.

Secondly, even though your D-2-3 VISA period and D-10-1 VISA period were 3 years or more, if you had E-7-1 VISA after your graduation, you cannot apply for F-2-7 VISA directly from D-10-1 VISA, except for hiring by a KOSPI or KOSDAQ listed company with yearly income with 40 million won or higher.

Lastly, if you don't know F-2-7 VISA criteria while holding E-7-1 VISA and quit your job and currently holding D-10-1 VISA, Immigration doesn't care about your situation.

VISA in KOREA posts continuously about Immigration Policy changes.

Kindly keep checking our Page for newest updates on Korea Immigration & VISA policies.


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20 Apr 2021

F-2-7 visa, points based residency visa for outstanding talents, Current Situation

Many foreign business owners are facing an abrupt end to their entrepreneurial careers, as sudden changes to how immigration offices are handling the F-2-7 visa are causing chaos.

2016년부터 시행된 우수인력점수제 거주비자인 F-2-7비자는 많은 혜택을 부여했습니다. 

점수제로 운영되는 해당 거주비자는 사업부터 취업에 제한이 없는 비자였습니다. 

하지만, 작년 12월 이후, 이전에 F-2-7비자를 받고 사업을 영위하던 외국인들은 이제 더 이상 해당 비자로 ‘사업’을 할 수 없게 되었습니다.

그 이유는 출입국관리법 시행령 제23조 ‘외국인의 취업과 체류자격’ 제2항 제1호’에 나온 ‘취업활동에 제한이 없다’ 중 ‘취업’의 범위에 ‘영리활동’인 사업은 포함이 안된다고 판단한 이유 때문인 것 같습니다.

문제는 해당 조항은 2016년 이후로 크게 변경된 것이 없고 (2018년 9월 18일 개정), F-2-7비자 소지자가 늘었던 2018년 이후에도 체류기간을 연장할 때, 관할 출입국외국인관서에서 문제 없이 사업을 용인하고 있었기 때문입니다.

이 때문에 몇 년을 준비하고 해당 거주비자로 변경한 외국인은 패닉에 빠져있는 상태입니다.

문제는, 외국인에게 혜택을 주는 출입국정책보다 혜택을 박탈하거나 제한하는 지침이 시행되기 이전에, 이에 대한 정당한 설명과 경과규정을 두어 해당 시행령을 시행하면 불이익을 받을 외국인이 미리 사업을 정리하는 방법을 통해서 권리를 구제받아야 하는데, 아쉽게도 아무런 지침을 확인할 수 없는 상황입니다.

언제, 어떻게 ‘영리(사업)’활동을 할 수 없게 된 것인지도 모르게 체류기간 연장 시, 이러한 사업등을 할 수 없고, 사업소득은 인정이 안되기에 최근에 변경된 지침 상의 점수 미충족으로 일궈논 사업을 접고, 다시 구직비자(D-10) 또는 회사를 찾아서 다른 취업비자 (E-1~E-7)를 준비해야 하는 상황에 몰리게 된 것입니다.

체류자격부여등은 이민행정에서 국가가 주권적인 권력을 행사할 수 있고, 대한민국의 경제적 상황, 사회상황들을 고려하여, 정책을 펴나가야 한다는데는 이견이 없습니다.

다만, 외국인에게 주어진 혜택을 박탈하거나 제한하는 경우에는 고시등을 통해 외국인에게 알리고, 경과규정 등을 통해서 새로운 지침에 적응할 수 있는 기회가 주어져야하는데, 현재 현안이 된 F-2-7비자에서는 안타깝게도 그런 모습을 볼 수가 없었습니다.

좀 더 해당 사안에 대해 고민하고, 좀더 우호적인 이민정책이 고려되었으면 좋겠습니다.

저와 인터뷰한 모든 내용이 담겨있지 않지만 해당 기사를 통해 현재 외국인들에 당면한 모습들을 잘 느끼실 수 있을 것 같습니다.

인터뷰와 기사 작성에 수고해주신 Mr Jon Dunbar님께 감사의 말씀을 드립니다.

중앙대학교 행정대학원 다문화정책학 전공
장만익 행정사

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