VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사


Blog: Updated Korea VISA & Immigration Information-2020

10 Dec 2020

New KIIP Textbook (사회통합프로그램 교재)

KIIP New Textbook Information (MOJ)

New KIIP textbooks will be released, and you may use these books from January 2021. 

You may purchase them from Dec. 11, 2020 through online and bookstores.

Visit for further information.
9 Dec 2020

MOJ (Ministry Of Justice) enforces 3rd Extension of Stay by Authority for Registered Foreign Residents to limit due to COVID19

Press Release MOJ News

 MOJ (Ministry Of Justice) enforces 3rd Extension of Stay by Authority for Registered Foreign Residents to limit the spread of COVID-19

1. The Ministry of Justice (Minister Choo, Mi Ae) announced that it has decided to extend Periods of Stay of some 90,000 registered foreign residents and Overseas Korean (F-4) residents in the nation whose authorized stay is set to expire soon, by its authority. The measure, effective from December 1 (Tue.), will grant them extension of stay for three (3) months as part of efforts to prevent the community spread of COVID-19 in accordance with the nation’s recently enhanced Level 2 social distancing guidelines. 

2. The MOJ’s decision to extend their stay comes in line with the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters (CDSCH)’s policy, which has issued stricter social distancing rules to contain surging infections in the winter season, particularly ahead of College Scholastic Ability Test (CAST), the annual college entrance exam, and aims to reduce local travel among registered foreign residents who otherwise need to travel in their communities to extend their stay as the authorized period of stay is to soon expire.

3. The Extension of Stay by authority is expected to substantially decrease in-person visits to local immigration (branch) offices nationwide considering that individual applications for the permission account for more than 30% (2,559 on daily average with a total of 632,264 cases processed in 2019) of entire applications filed by foreign residents in the nation. 

4. This policy will be particularly effective in limiting the virus transmission in local communities with a decrease in public transport usage, given that it requires more than a 2-hour travel to visit immigration offices in some cases of regions.

5. To be specific, around 90,000 legitimate* registered foreign nationals (including Foreign National Koreans who have reported the domestic place of residence) whose period of stay is due to expire by February 28, 2021 will have a 3-month extension of stay from the original expiration date.

* The Extension of Stay by Authority Measure only applies to those legally staying in the Republic of Korea as of Dec.1, 2020 and does not apply to illegal/missing immigrants. 

 ※ Those who have already applied for Permission to Extend Period of Stay either in-person or online, those staying abroad and foreign residents defaulting on national health insurance fees/tax payments are excluded from the measure. 

6. Non-Professional (E-9), Maritime Crew (E-10), Work and Visit (H-2) and Miscellaneous (G-1) status holders are, however, excluded from the above measure as their status can not be extended by authority under the relevant laws and regulations. And parents of Marriage Migrants with (F-1-5) status will have their period of stay extended within the maximum period as set forth by laws and regulations of the Republic of Korea. 

※ Using e-Application services at, or filing group applications through employers is highly recommended for those not eligible for the Extension of Stay by Authority.

7. The aforementioned measure requires no additional applications at local immigration offices as it comes into force by authority of Minister of Justice, and the extended period of stay can be checked at Expiry Date Check on the HiKorea website ( 

8.The Ministry of Justice has enforced the measure of Extension of Stay by Authority both in February and April and has contributed to containing the spread of COVID-19 since the outbreak of pandemic earlier this year by reducing in-person visits to public institutions. 

9. Details regarding its implementation will be posted on the website of HiKorea ( and further inquiries on the measure can be addressed at 1345, the Immigration Contact Center, with no need to visit local immigration offices. 

Sourced by Hi Korea website
1 Dec 2020
1 Dec 2020

Automatic VISA Extension for Registered Foreigners due to Pandemic situations

Automatic VISA Extension for Registered Foreigners due to Pandemic situations_

Explanation for eligible foreigners staying in Korea.
Also, there are exceptional visa types which cannot be extended due to the relevant laws.

Further details, you may visit to YOUTUBE Channel.

30 Nov 2020

Notice of Extension by Official Authority for the Extension of the Period of Stay for Registered Foreigners in Korea

Notice of Adjustment (Extension) by Official Authority for the Extension of the Period of Stay for Registered Foreigners in Korea (Sourced by Hi Korea)

In order to prevent the spread of infection by minimizing visits to immigration offices due to the rise of the 'Social Distancing' stage, Korea Immigration Service has decided to extend the period of stay of registered foreigners by authority as follows.

You may get more information through 1345 Immigration Contact Center.

1. Eligible Foreigners:
Registered foreigners whose visa period will be expired from Dec. 1, 2020 to Feb. 28, 2021.

2. Extension will be made by authority from the date of expiry to 3 months.

Your extension period shall not be written on your ARC. You may check the extension of your period of stay through Hi Korea website.

3. However, the below visa holders' period shall NOT be extended automatically:

(1) Foreigners who have received an extension for departure or a postponement of departure prior to this automatic extension;
(2) E-9 visa, E-10 visa, G-1 visa and H-1 visa holders;
(3) Foreigners whose locations are unknown, foreigners leaving Korea at the time of the enforcement date of automatic extension (Dec. 1, 2020) and staying in overseas; and
(4) Defaulters of National Health Insurance and National Taxes etc.

4. You may check whether your visa period has been extended from Dec. 2, 2020 through Hi Korea website. 
29 Nov 2020

한국어 출입국 이민행정 강의_합격의 법학원

한국어 출입국 강의

금일 아침부터 #합격의법학원 에서 #출입국이민행정 에 대한 강의를 시작했습니다.

마스크 쓰고 강의하는 게 만만치 않네요.

공개강의는 아래 링크에서 확인이 가능합니다.

[행정사실무교육인강]행정사시험 합격자용 출입국관리1 샘플동영상(장만익 행정사)
27 Nov 2020

Business Hours Adjusted in Seoul Immigration Office

Please note that Seoul Immigration Office’s business hours have been adjusted to 10:00 am-18:00 pm on Dec. 3, 2020 (next Thursday) caused by Korea SAT (National University Entrance Examination). 

2020년 12월 3일 목요일 2021학년도 대학수학능력시험이 시행되어 수험생 편의 및 원활한 교통소통을 위해서 서울출입국외국인청 업무시간이 다음과 같이 조정되었습니다.

2020년 12월 3일 목요일
업무시간: 오전 10시-오후 6시
25 Nov 2020
24 Nov 2020
24 Nov 2020

NEW F2-7visa Korea_Period Calculation_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

NEW F2-7visa_Period Calculation_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사_

A new F2-7 VISA starts from December 1, 2020.

It is getting harder to meet its requirements. Also, this criteria is confused.

Today lecture is for calculation of period from E1 visa to E7 visa, D5 visa, D6 visa, D7 visa, D8 visa and D9 visa.

It can be calculated from the date of issuance of your ARC.

If you hold one of the above visas, you need to wait until 3 years from your current visa.

However, there are exceptions for 3 years period rules.

You may check through my lecture.

FYI, today's my voice condition is not good, so sorry for that.
But I think you may understand what I lectured you.


#expats #foreigner #f2visa #points_based_residency_visa_korea #f27visa #f2비자 #우수인재점수제비자 #visainkorea #장행닷컴
23 Nov 2020
23 Nov 2020

NEW F2-7비자_기간 계산_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

NEW F2-7비자_기간 계산_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사_

12월 1일부터 시행되는 우수인재 점수제 거주비자는 현재 시행되고 있는 점수제 거주비자와 사뭇 다릅니다.

오늘 한국어 출입국 강의는 12월 1일부터 시행되는 우수인재 점수제 거주비자 관련해서 '기간계산'에 대한 부분을 설명하겠습니다.

현재 시행되고 있는 f2-7비자는 E-1비자~E-7비자, D5비자~D9비자에서 1년 이상 체류하고 있고 80점이 넘으면 신청이 가능합니다.

다만, 12월 1일부터는 E-1비자~E-7비자, D5비자~D9비자를 소지하고 있는 경우, 3년이 지나야 F2-7비자를 신청할 수 있습니다.

예외 사항도 있으니, 유튜브 강의로 확인해 보세요.


#expats #foreigner #residence_visa #f2visa #f27visa #f2비자 #visainkorea #장행닷컴
23 Nov 2020

Lodging Registration of Short-term-stay Non-nationals required from 10 December 2020 to prevent the spread of infectious disease

Lodging Registration of Short-term-stay Non-nationals required from 10 December 2020 to prevent the spread of infectious diseases (sourced by Hi Korea)

This scheme will be introduced to minimize economic damage and ensure public safety by having short-term-stay foreigners’ address information up to date should an infectious disease or terrorist attack occurs.

Our Immigration Act Article 81 (3) supports the implementation of this scheme and accommodation facility owners should report short-term-stay foreigners’ lodging information when a) the crisis alert level issued in line with Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act is raised to “cautious” level, or b) the crisis alert issued in line with Act on Counter-terrorism for the Protection of Citizens and Public Security is raised to “caution” level.

. Alert levels are classified into four levels: attention – caution – alert and serious:

If either of the above-mentioned situation becomes a reality, short-term-stay foreigners should present his/her passport or a travel document to the owner of the lodging facility where he/she is staying. 

Short-term-stay foreigners are defined as those temporarily residing in Republic of Korea for a period not exceeding 90 days for tourism and short-term visit.

Lodging facility owners are also entailed with a responsibility to report short-term-stay foreigners’ information to the Minister of Justice within 12 hours of a raise in crisis level as described above. 

Lodging facility owners are defined as those who registered their business as a) lodging business in line with Public Health Control Act, b) Tourist accommodation business, City home-stay services for foreign tourists or Traditional Korean housing experience business in line with Tourism Promotion Act.

They should report their short-term-stay foreigners’ information to an immigration office in his/her jurisdiction of business operation by using the attached format sheet via email, telephone or FAX, until a dedicated system to report this information is set up, which is expected during the first half of 2021.
This requirement will come into force on 10 December 2020.
22 Nov 2020

F2-99 비자_거주비자_사업 문제_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

F2-99 비자_거주비자_사업 문제_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사_

F2비자는 거주비자입니다.
F2-99비자는 기타 장기거주비자로, 사업과 일을 할 수 있는 비자입니다.

다만, F2-99비자에서 일할 수 있는 경우와 사업을 할 수 있는 경우를 정확하게 파악해야 합니다.

이번 한국어 출입국 강의에서는 사업을 하는 경우, 유의해야 할 점에 대해서 설명을 드렸습니다.


#expats #foreigner #f2visa #f299visa #f2비자 #거주비자 #visainkorea #장행닷컴
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